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Serving those in need here in Hampton Roads

Hospitality for the Homeless, based in Norfolk, VA, serves as a national re-distribution agency for travel-size toiletries to those in need. We re-package these donated items into care kits which we distribute to recognized homeless shelters and needs-based agencies.

We Support Dignity

We strive to provide comfort to those in need with everyday items that most of us take for granted. The Hospitality for the Homeless Care Kit Program receives donated toiletries and redistributes them in order to serve the homeless and destitute.

How You Can Help

You can help in a variety of ways. We have four different types of partnerships that together, enable us to accomplish our mission - Inventory Partners, Service Partners, Recipient Partners, and In-kind Partners.

A video by one of our partners...

Here's a video created by The Saint Leo Human Services Club - one of the many service organizations that our non-profit provides the no cost gift of our toiletries care kit support to.

We at Hospitality for the Homeless would like to give a special shout-out to Bombas.

Your generosity and commitment to helping those less fortunate within our society are absolutely inspirational. We are incredibly grateful for your support.

We encourage everyone reading this to support Bombas' mission by patronizing their business.

You can learn more about their giving program at:

About Us

Learn more about Hospitality for the Homeless and how our program works.

Our Partners

Learn about the people, organizations and businesses that make what we do possible.

How You Can Help

Find out how you can be a part of our mission to provide simple human dignity.